T. S. H.

1   GOTISCH  ALFABETH     serie of  26
     NOT  NUMBERED   A / Z
     size  64 x 29 mm  /  2.52 x 1.14 Inch.

     NUMBERED  from   1   / 12  wings in RED
                                       13 / 24 wings in WHITE
     size  64 x 29 mm  /  2.52 x 1.14 Inch
     issued 1976

3   OUDE  AMBACHTEN - orange -   serie of  100
     NUMBERED  from  1 / 100

     note:   I have colour differences  ( brown printing - black printing )
               I have black printing compleet 100 bands
               I have brown printing   3,4,6-9,14,16-18,21-28,32-38,41-45,
                                                  83-84,86-89,91,94-98,   ( 58 bands )
                                                  perhaps you can find the others ??

     size  66 x 28 mm  /  2.6 x 1.1 Inch
     issued 1977

4a   OUDE  AMBACHTEN - verguld - 1e reeks   serie of  90
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 90
       size  64 x 29 mm  /  2.52 x 1.14 Inch
       issued 1977

4b   OUDE  AMBACHTEN - verguld - 
       andere nummering   serie of  30
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 30
       size  64 x 29 mm  /  2.52 x 1.14 Inch
       issued 1977

4c   OUDE  AMBACHTEN - verguld -   serie of  30
        see list
       size  64 x 29 mm  /  2.52 x 1.14 Inch
       issued 1977

5a   RASSEN - bruin   serie of  60
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 60
       size  65 x 29 mm  /  2.56 x 1.14 Inch
       issued 1978

5b   RASSEN - verguld   serie of  60
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 60
       size  64 x 29 mm  /  2.52 x 1.14 Inch
       issued 1978

6   TEGELS   serie of  96 x 4 colours
     NUMBERED  from  1 / 96
     colours are -RED, -GREEN, -BROWN, -BLACK,
     size  64 x 29 mm  /  2.52 x 1.14 Inch
     issued 1978

7   STEMPELS   USA    serie of  60
     NUMBERED  from  W1 / W60
     size  64 x 29 mm  /  2.52 x 1.14 Inch
     issued 1983

8a   MILITAIRE  HOOFDDEKSELS   serie of  12 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 12
       colours are -RED, -GREEN, -BROWN, -BLACK,
       size  64 x 29 mm  /  2.52 x 1.14 Inch
       issued 1984

8b   MILITAIRE  HOOFDDEKSELS - verguld   serie of  150
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 150
       size  67 x 29 mm  /  2.64 x 1.14 Inch
       issued 1984

TSH heeft zich in de afgelopen jaren ontwikkeld tot de belangrijkste leverancier van sigaren binnen het private label segment. Het bedrijf is voortgevloeid uit de in 1927 opgerichte sigarenfabriek Washington in Baarn.

Deze fabriek verhuisde in de jaren zestig naar Hippolytushoef. De productie bestond toen alleen maar uit gematteerde sigaren.
Later werd de keus gemaakt om uit te groeien tot enkel en alleen een handelsmaatschappij.

Vervolgens werd het bedrijf in 1990 verkocht aan Boudewijn van Gent, die inmiddels al vier jaar werkzaam was binnen het bedrijf. Het bedrijf kreeg al snel de naam Tobacco Service Holland. Nieuwe merken zoals het paraplumerk “Kenners Keus” en Victor Hugo kwamen in het assortiment.
In de jaren daaropvolgend ontwikkelt TSH zich steeds meer tot een sigarenleverancier met een breed en diep assortiment. Er kwam een private label bij, 'Graaf Tilly', maar ook specialiteiten als Adipati uit Indonesië en de Braziellijn 'Brassilora'. De grootste ontwikkeling kwam in 2002 toen Swedish Match het private label merk Cadena, inclusief het premiummerk 'Acht Zaligheden' overnam van Imperial Tobacco Group. Swedish Match was vooral geïnteresseerd in de productie, maar zocht een partner die de distributie voor haar rekening wilde nemen. Zij vonden in TSH een geschikte partij. Met de toevoeging van Cadena verdubbelde het sigarenaanbod van TSH in 2002 in een klap en werd daarmee de grootste leverancier binnen het private label segment met een totale afzet van ruim 25 miljoen sigaren. Inmiddels is dit al uitgebreid naar een afzet van 40 miljoen sigaren. 

Op zoek naar een nieuwe uitdaging benaderde Hans Top in 2003 Boudewijn van Gent met de vraag of hij zijn bedrijf aan hem wilde verkopen. Na talrijke gesprekken en bedrijfsonderzoeken werd Hans Top in het begin van 2004 jaar de nieuwe eigenaar.

Ondertussen hebben er al veel innoverende veranderingen plaatsgevonden. Allereerst is het bedrijf verhuisd van het westen naar het oosten van het land, namelijk Tubbergen dicht bij de grens met Duitsland. Logistiek gezien ligt het bedrijf hier perfect en dat was dus reden genoeg om het bedrijf te verplaatsen. Bovendien hebben we een lasermachine laten ontwikkelen die de drukpers bij ons kan vervangen. De laser werkt efficiënter en daardoor kunnen we nu binnen enkele dagen private labels verzenden in plaats van tien werkdagen.

Naast de efficiëntie is ook de kwaliteit toegenomen sinds we met de lasermachine werken.
Bovendien is ons assortiment sinds 2005 verrijkt met longfillers. Wij regelen op dit moment de finishing en distributie voor bijna 30 landen wereldwijd. Wij importeren de sigaren van drie fabrikanten, namelijk Leon Jimines en La Aurora, General Cigars en JC Newman.

Copyright © 2007 - Tobacco Service Holland BV


9   WATERTORENS   serie of  40 x 4 colors
     NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
     colours are -D.BLUE, -L.BLUE, -GREEN, -RED,
     size  66 x 38 mm  /  2.6 x 1.49 Inch
     issued 1987

10   TREINEN   serie of  40 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued 1987

11   VOGELS   serie of  40 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued 1987

12   PADDESTOELEN   serie of  80 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 80
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued 1988

13   AQUARIUMVISSEN   serie of  40 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued 1988

14   ROZEN   serie of  40 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued 1988

15   DE  LUCHTVAART   serie of  40 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued 1988

16   KUNSTENAARS   serie of  60 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 60
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  66 x 38 mm  /  2.6 x 1.49 Inch
       issued 1989

17   STRIPFIGUREN   serie of  60 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 60
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  66 x 38 mm  /  2.6 x 1.49 Inch
       issued 1989

18   ANTON  PIECK   serie of  60 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 60
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  66 x 38 mm  /  2.6 x 1.49 Inch
       issued 1989

19   OUD  HOLLANDSE  PRENTJES   serie of  20 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  66 x 38 mm  /  2.6 x 1.49 Inch
       issued 1989

20   WILDE  DIEREN   serie of  40 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 39 + 41     ( number  40  do NOT exist )
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued 1989

21   ZOOGDIEREN   serie of  60 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 60
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued 1990

22   WALT  DISNEY  PRODUCTIONS   serie of  20 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued 1990

23   INHEEMSE  KEVERS   serie of  40 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  66 x 38 mm  /  2.6 x 1.49 Inch
       issued 1990

       serie of  40 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  66 x 38 mm  /  2.6 x 1.49 Inch
       issued 1991

25   POPPEN    serie of  12 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 12
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued 1991

26   BEREN   serie of  12 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 12
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued 1991

27   HONDEN   serie of  32 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 32
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued 1991

28   HUMMELBEELDEN   serie of  34 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 34
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued 1991

29   SCHEPEN  UIT  DE  OUDE  TIJD   serie of  30 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 30
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued 1991

30   DUITSE  UNIFORMEN   serie of  200 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 200
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  66 x 38 mm  /  2.6 x 1.49 Inch
       issued 1991

31   LOKOMOTIEVEN   serie of  30 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 30
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued 1992

35   AUTO`S   serie of  60 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 60
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch

36   MOTOREN   serie of  30 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 30
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch

37   VLIEGTUIGEN   serie of  120 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 120
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch

38   BEROEMDE  MANNEN    serie of  80 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 80
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  66 x 38 mm  /  2.6 x 1.49 Inch

39   TOM  POES    serie of  40 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued  1994

40   PAARDEN   serie of  80 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 80
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued  1994

44   VLINDERS    serie of  40 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued  1995

46   KORAAL  RIF   serie of  40 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued  1995

42  JAPAN  /  serie of  40 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
      issued  1995

45  JAPAN  /  serie of  10 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 10
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN,
                        -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  99 x 52 mm  /
                3.9 x 2.05 Inch
     issued  1995

43  ITALIE  /  serie of  40 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
      issued  1995

47  ITALIE  /  serie of  10 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 10
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN,
                        -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  99 x 52 mm  /
                3.9 x 2.05 Inch
       issued  1995

48  EGYPTE  /  serie of  40 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE
      size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
      issued  1995

49  EGYPTE  /  serie of  10 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 10
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN,
                        -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  99 x 52 mm  /
                 3.9 x 2.05 Inch
      issued  1995

50  GRIEKENLAND  /  serie of  40 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED from  1 / 40
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
      issued  1996

51  GRIEKENLAND  /  serie of  10 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 10
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN,
                        -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  99 x 52 mm  /
                 3.9 x 2.05 Inch
      issued  1996

52  HAWAII  /  serie of  40 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
      issued  1996

58  HAWAII  /  serie of  10 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 10
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN,
                        -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  99 x 52 mm  /
                 3.9 x 2.05 Inch
      issued  1996

41  BALI,  INDONESIE   serie of  40 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
      issued  1995

54   BALI   serie of  10 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 10
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN,
                         -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  99 x 52 mm  / 
                  3.9 x 2.05 Inch
       issued  1996

55   HONDEN    serie of  20 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN,
                         -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  99 x 52 mm  / 
                  3.9 x 2.05 Inch
       issued  1996

56   TURKIJE   serie of  40 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued  1997

57   TURKIJE   serie of  10 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 10
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN,
                         -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  99 x 52 mm  / 
                  3.9 x 2.05 Inch
       issued  1997

53   IERLAND    serie of  40 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued  1996

60  IERLAND  serie of  10 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 10
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN,
                        -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  99 x 52 mm  / 
                 3.9 x 2.05 Inch
      issued  1997

61  ALASKA  /  serie of  40 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
      issued  1997

62  ALASKA  /  serie of  10 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 10
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN,
                        -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  99 x 52 mm  / 
                 3.9 x 2.05 Inch
      issued  1997

59   BRAZILIE   serie of  40 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued  1997

63  BRAZILIE   serie of  10 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 10
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, 
                        -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  99 x 52 mm  /
                3.9 x 2.05 Inch
      issued  1998

64   NIEUW  ZEELAND   serie of  40 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued  1998

65  VRIJE  TIJD   serie of  10 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 10
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, 
                        -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  99 x 52 mm  /
                3.9 x 2.05 Inch
      issued  1998

66   TUINEN  in  ENGLAND   serie of  40 x 4 colour
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued  1998

67  VUURWERK   serie of  10 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 10
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, 
                        -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  99 x 52 mm  /
                3.9 x 2.05 Inch
      issued  1998

68   GELDERLAND   serie of  40 x 4 colours
       pictures of the dutch province of  gelderland
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued  1998

69   SPORT
      serie of  20 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, 
                        -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  99 x 52 mm  /
                3.9 x 2.05 Inch
      issued  1998

70   OVERIJSSEL    serie of  40 x 4 coulors
       pictures of the dutch province of  overijssel
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued  1998

71   UTRECHT    serie of  40 x 4 colours
       pictures of the dutch province of  utrecht
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued  1999

72   NOORD-BRABANT    serie of  40 x 4 colours
       pictures of the dutch province of  noord-brabant
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
       issued  1999

75  ZUID-HOLLAND  serie of  40 x 4 colours
       pictures of the dutch province of  zuid-holland
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
      issued  1999

      serie of  20 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, 
                        -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  99 x 52 mm  /
                3.9 x 2.05 Inch
      issued  1999

76   KONIJNEN   serie of  40 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
      issued  1999

77  WILDE  VRUCHTEN  /  serie of  20 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
      issued  1999

      serie of  20 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, 
                        -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  99 x 52 mm  /
                3.9 x 2.05 Inch
      issued  1999

79  HOFJES  VAN  NEDERLAND   serie of  20 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch

      serie of  20 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, 
                        -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  99 x 52 mm  /
                3.9 x 2.05 Inch

81  TROPISCHE  VOGELS  /  serie of  20 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch

82  KNAAGDIEREN  /  serie of  20 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
      issued  2000

       serie of  20 x 4 colours
       NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
       colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, 
                         -RED, -PURPLE,
       size  99 x 52 mm  /
                3.9 x 2.05 Inch
       issued  1999

83  VENETIE  /  serie of  40 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
      issued  2000

84  VENETIE  /  serie of  20 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
      colours are -BLUE, -GREEN, 
                        -RED, -PURPLE,
      size  99 x 52 mm  /
                3.9 x 2.05 Inch
      issued  2000

85  LONDON -nf  /  serie of  40 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
      colours  are -RED, -BLUE, -GREEN, -PURPLE,
      size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
      issued  2000

86  LONDON -hg  /  serie of  20 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
      colours are -RED, -BLUE,
                        -GREEN, -PURPLE
      size  99 x 54 mm  /
      3.9 x 2.13 Inch
      issued  2000

87  ALPEN -nf  /  serie of  40 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
      colours  are -RED, -BLUE, -GREEN, -PURPLE,
      size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
      issued  2000

88  ALPEN -hg  /  serie of  20 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
      colours are -RED, -BLUE,
                        -GREEN, -PURPLE
      size  99 x 54 mm  /
      3.9 x 2.13 Inch
      issued  2000

89  De avonturen van KUIFJE  /  serie of  40 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
      colours are -RED, -BLUE, -GREEN, PURPLE,
      size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
      issued  2000

90  De avonturen van KUIFJE  /
      serie of  20 x 4 colours 
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
      colours are-RED, -BLUE,
                       -GREEN, -PURPLE,
      size  99 x 54 mm  /
                3.9 x 2.13 Inch
      issued  2000

91  KIJK  OP  NEDERLAND  /  serie of  40 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
      colours are -RED, -BLUE, -GREEN, -PURPLE,
      size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
      issued  2001

      serie of  20 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
      colours are -RED, -BLUE,
                        -GREEN, -PURPLE,
      size  99 x 54 mm  /
                 3.9 x 2.13 Inch
      issued  2001

93  De avonturen van ASTERIX  /  serie of  40 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
      colours are -RED, -BLUE, -GREEN, -PURPLE,
      size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
      issued  2001

94  De avonturen van ASTERIX  /
      serie of  20 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
      colours are -RED, -BLUE,
                        -GREEN, -PURPLE,
      size  99 x 54 mm  /
                 3.9 x 2.13 Inch
      issued  2001

      serie of  40 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
      colours are -RED, -BLUE, -GREEN, -PURPLE
      size  65 x 36 mm  /  2.56 x 1.42 Inch
      issued  2001

      serie of  20 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
      colours are -RED, -BLUE,
                        -GREEN, -PURPLE,
      size  99 x 54 mm  / 
                3.9 x 2.13 Inch
      issued  2001

97  NACHTDIEREN  /  serie of  40 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
      colours are -BLUE, -RED, -GREEN, -PURPLE
      size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.46 Inch
      issued  2001

       serie of  20 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
      colours are -BLUE, -RED,
                        -GREEN, -PURPLE,
      size  99 x 54 mm  /
                 3.9 x 2.13 Inch
      issued  2001

99  KIJK  OP  NOORD-HOLLAND  /  serie of  40 x 4 colours
      NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
      colours are -BLUE, -RED, -GREEN, -PURPLE
      size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.46 Inch
      issued  2002

        serie of  20 x 4 colours
        NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
        colours are -BLUE, -RED,
                          -GREEN, -PURPLE,
        size  99 x 50 mm  /
                   3.9 x 1.97 Inch
        issued  2002

101  SCHILDERKUNST  /  serie of  40 x 4 colours
        NUMBERED  from  1 / 40
        colours are -BLUE, -RED, -GREEN, -PURPLE,
        size  65 x 37 mm  /  2.56 x 1.46 Inch
        issued  2002

        serie of  20 x 4 colours
        NUMBERED  from  1 / 20
        colours are -BLUE, -RED,
                          -GREEN, -PURPLE,
        size  99 x 50 mm  /
                   3.9 x 1.97 Inch
         issued  2002


          T` AMSTERDAM  1694
          serie of  100
101a  NUMBERED  from  1 / 100
101b  NOT  NUMBERED  text  BROWN
101b  NOT  NUMBERED  text  BLACK
                        fine lettering    ( I have 9 )
           SEE  LIST
101c  other  spelling of NAMES (19 diff)??
          size  80 x 110 mm  /  3.15 x 4.33 Inch
          issued 1977

on the back you can find with text MIX.
in 1694 verzameld ...
in 1964 verzameld ..
not sure if you can make a serie with one of that dates !

101d   oude ambachten - oude prenten / bladen
                100 differend   230 x 330 mm  ???

serie of  60
NUMBERED  from  1 / 60
size  82 x 101 mm  /  3.23 x 3.98 Inch
issued  1978

gerard van eijk